Sunday, September 19, 2010

Low Vision

Low Vision is a bilateral impairment to vision that significantly impairs the functioning of the patient and cannot be adequately corrected with medical, surgical, therapy, conventional eyewear or contact lenses. It is often a loss of sharpness or acuity but may present as a loss of field of vision, light sensitivity, distorted vision or loss of contrast. Low vision often may occur as a result of birth defects, injury, the aging process or as a complication of disease.
Low Vision services do not cure the cause of the vision problem but rather utilize the remaining vision to its fullest potential. Low vision care does not replace the need for other concurrent treatments such as laser, medication and surgery. Low vision doctors prescribe prescription eyewear, filters, microscopic - telescopic eyewear, magnifiers, adaptive equipment, closed circuit television systems, independent living aids, training and counsel patients.
Low Vision Web Sites-- A Starting Point.

The Low Vision Centers of Indiana A resource of information on low vision and the home site of the developers of the Low Vision Gateway.
Low Vision and Blindness Defined by Various Professional Groups
Vision World Wide A wonderful resource for the visually-impaired. Vision World Wide is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the lives of the vision impaired through direct interaction and indirectly through the caregiving community. We serve both the totally blind and those with various degrees and forms of vision loss. We provide invaluable information, education, guidance, support and consumer protection, not only to the blind and visually impaired, but to the many professionals (medical, social and technical) who serve them.
The Lighthouse Lighthouse International is a leading resource worldwide on vision impairment and vision rehabilitation. Through its pioneering work in vision rehabilitation services, education, research and advocacy, Lighthouse International enables people of all ages who are blind or partially sighted to lead independent and productive lives. Founded in 1905 and headquartered in New York, Lighthouse International is a not-for-profit organization, and depends on the support and generosity of individuals, foundations and corporations.
Vision Connection Welcome to VisionConnection, a friendly, accessible, interactive global Internet portal for people who are partially sighted or blind, the professionals who work with them, the families and friends who support them -- and anyone looking for the latest information on vision impairment, its prevention and vision rehabilitation.

Low Vision Guide
Even if you have permanent vision loss, devices such as low vision aids for reading and enhanced computer displays can make your life much easier.
Read this section to learn what you need to know about low vision and the best methods for coping.
Living With Low Vision
This helpful introduction explains challenges of living with low vision and how special devices can help.
Low Vision Aids for Reading
Learn about the array of magnifiers, reading glasses, telescopes and closed-circuit television devices that are available to help the partially sighted read.
How To Buy Low Vision Magnifiers
This guide to low vision magnifiers discusses cost and types you need for reading, driving, schoolwork and other activities.
Aids for Distance Vision
If you are partially sighted, low vision devices for distance vision can help you get out and about, shop or just watch TV.
Aids for Computer Use
Many people who are visually impaired can use computers thanks to magnifiers and special screen display software. Another useful option is an optical-character recognition system, which converts text into sound.
Finding a Low Vision Doctor
An expert can help you find the right low vision aid and train you on its use.
Tips for Coping With Vision Loss
Low vision is common among older people. These tips can help you cope with age-related vision loss.
Low Vision Products
Keep up to date on the latest news about low vision and new low vision aids on the market.
This new lens is giving cataract patients a chance to live free from glasses.
SPONSORED SECTION: AcrySof IQ Toric Cataract Lens
Now it's possible to correct the cataracts clouding your vision — and the astigmatism distorting your vision — all at once.
A cataract lens for better image quality, increased contrast sensitivity and improved functional vision.